A study that researched poor lifestyle choices like skipping exercise and indulging in red meat also found that those who drank one or more cups off coffee a day lowered their risk of dying from lifestyle-related health problems over the period of ten years!
People who regularly drink large amount of coffee are less likely to become patients of type 2 diabetes than those who drink less coffee, or even none at all! According to research from the Harvard Medical School this is because the ingredients in coffee lower blood sugar.
Did you know that the regular consumption of coffee has been linked to a 50% reduced risk of liver cancer, especially in men? Several different studies have been able to confirm that this is because coffee stops the expression of genes that cause inflammation. Studies have also linked the consumption of coffee with a decreased risk of breast, colon and rectal cancers too.
Drinking more than two cups of coffee day could be shielding you against heart failure according to a Harvard study. Research has found that those who drank four or more cups of coffee a day had an 11% lower risk, this is especially true in women!
Several studies in the last few years have linked the drinking of coffee to liver health. The thing all researchers can agree on is that the type of coffee you drink matters!
Studies show that caffeine in coffee could help people who have Parkinson’s disease manage their uncontrollable movements. Other studies have show that caffeine is associated with a lower chance of being diagnosed with Parkinon’s altogether.
Gallstones can be extremely painful, recently coffee has been part of studies that show it could be keeping them at bay. A study carried out in Italy showed those who regularly intake coffee or wine and fish or whole wheat bread were less likely to develop gallstones.